Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sarah's Post

Sarah Quigley
English 101
Hello, my name is old lady and i am here to tell you all about what happens when the governor likes someone, but first let me give you a summary of what has recently happened. So basically i just told my whole story about those "pirates" i always knew they were up to no good. I was quite surprised how well everyone took my story, they even made it so that everyone could tell there story to see what they have all gone through in their past. It feels good to know that i did that all just by standing up in what i believed was the right thing to do.
Well, thats enough about me lets get to the governor and Cun駯nde. When we docked the ship at Buenos Aires we went straight to see the governor. Buenos Aires was a beautiful place, it was filled with the greenest mountains that i have ever seen, and the buildings were so beautiful i mean just the way everything fit together it just looked like a fairy tale. ALso, the air was so fresh like the best spring day you will ever have, when you can actually smell the flowers as you walk by them. The water so clear and you could hear the crisp sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and you could hear the calm voices of little conversations all around you. I never wanted to leave but i knew that this feeling wouldnt last forever.What happened there was that the governor proclaimed his love for Cun駯nde and begs her to marry him. She didn't know what to do at all! I told her it would be a good idea to marry the governor for it would mean a lot of good things would come her way if she decided to go for it. I also thought about how much of a fortune it would bring to me and Candide, considering Cun駯nde is in charge of me i didn't bring that part up to her.
After all of this happened, we found out that when the Franciscan stole Cun駯nde?s jewelry went and tried to sell them to a jeweler to make money but the jeweler rocognized the jewels and knew that they were not his and that they had been stolen. The Franciscan was caught, but before he was hung he described three others who had been involved. This was when i told Cun駯nde that it was the best idea to stay in Buenos Aires to be safe. This was also when i told Candide he had to flee because of what he had done. I knew that the governor would not let anything happen to Cun駯nde because of his proclaimed love for her. Before all this drama had happend i was so relaxed and calm because of the enviornment, but after all this all i wanted was for it to be over and to forget all about it.

I have had so much happen within mylife it doesn't seem like its possible to have it all happen to one person in such, well what seems, a short period of time. I guess living it makes it harder then hearing about it though. I know i could end all of it but then i would have nothing and i do not think i am prepared to have absolutly nothing even though i have very little now.

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