Monday, November 14, 2016

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

War Can Bring Joy

Dear diary.

Today I have a new valet called Cacambo, he is very nice. He is also fairly religious because he believes that god takes care of all women. I hope he is right and that Cunégonde is in a good, safe place now. I was scared when Cunégonde I didn’t know what to do with out Cunégonde, where we should go? What shell we do? I was depressed. Cacambo suggested that we'll fight on the side of the rebellious Paraguayan Jesuits. I thought it was a good idea because the army can give us shelter and food. He helped me feel better when he said "they will be delighted to have a captain who knows Bulgarian drill and tactics. You will make a vast fortune. The situation looked good until we met one of the rebel guard. We ask to speak to the colonel but the colonel orders the guard to orders our weapons and our horses seized. I thought we were going to die because we were surrounded by twenty four men and we were informed that were only aloud to be in the country for 3 hours. It was bad news because we were both starving. Every thing changed when Cacambo saved our lives when he said I was German. When the colonel heard that he agreed to see me. I was happy because I was suddenly served with respect. I was handed a golden plate with food on it while before they would have let me starve if I wasn’t German. On his order our weapons and horses were returned. When the Colonel asked me if im German in that language I said "yes reverend father". Than I realized that the colonel is Cunégonde brother! We were both full of joy from seeing each other. I was really happy to see a familiar face. I and the baron embrace one another in tearful joy. I told him that Cunégonde also survived the attack and that she is with the governor. While we waited for more food, the colonel told his story.

Sarah's Post

Sarah Quigley
English 101
Hello, my name is old lady and i am here to tell you all about what happens when the governor likes someone, but first let me give you a summary of what has recently happened. So basically i just told my whole story about those "pirates" i always knew they were up to no good. I was quite surprised how well everyone took my story, they even made it so that everyone could tell there story to see what they have all gone through in their past. It feels good to know that i did that all just by standing up in what i believed was the right thing to do.
Well, thats enough about me lets get to the governor and Cun駯nde. When we docked the ship at Buenos Aires we went straight to see the governor. Buenos Aires was a beautiful place, it was filled with the greenest mountains that i have ever seen, and the buildings were so beautiful i mean just the way everything fit together it just looked like a fairy tale. ALso, the air was so fresh like the best spring day you will ever have, when you can actually smell the flowers as you walk by them. The water so clear and you could hear the crisp sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and you could hear the calm voices of little conversations all around you. I never wanted to leave but i knew that this feeling wouldnt last forever.What happened there was that the governor proclaimed his love for Cun駯nde and begs her to marry him. She didn't know what to do at all! I told her it would be a good idea to marry the governor for it would mean a lot of good things would come her way if she decided to go for it. I also thought about how much of a fortune it would bring to me and Candide, considering Cun駯nde is in charge of me i didn't bring that part up to her.
After all of this happened, we found out that when the Franciscan stole Cun駯nde?s jewelry went and tried to sell them to a jeweler to make money but the jeweler rocognized the jewels and knew that they were not his and that they had been stolen. The Franciscan was caught, but before he was hung he described three others who had been involved. This was when i told Cun駯nde that it was the best idea to stay in Buenos Aires to be safe. This was also when i told Candide he had to flee because of what he had done. I knew that the governor would not let anything happen to Cun駯nde because of his proclaimed love for her. Before all this drama had happend i was so relaxed and calm because of the enviornment, but after all this all i wanted was for it to be over and to forget all about it.

I have had so much happen within mylife it doesn't seem like its possible to have it all happen to one person in such, well what seems, a short period of time. I guess living it makes it harder then hearing about it though. I know i could end all of it but then i would have nothing and i do not think i am prepared to have absolutly nothing even though i have very little now.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Idea and Satire Techniques.

Jeremy Cavanna.

I think that Voltaire included this chapter to introduce the old womans story. It gives us an idea of the characters shown Cunagonde. It is a sad but interesting story that Voltaire is telling us, he maybe wants us to look at the story from candide's point of view, taking in count candide's belief referring to Pangloss theory (everything is for the best, perfect eutopia). In conclusion, this chapter was made to introduce the old womans story to us by going back into her past.

''My nose did not always touch my chin'' (page 26, top) This is clearly an overstatement to describe her uglyness, seems impossible that someones nose can touch his own chin! ''Our men fought like soldiers of the Pope--- that is, they flung themselves on their knees, laid down their arms and begged the corsair to gvie them absolution in Acticulo Mortis''(page 27, middle). Is Voltaire trying to make fun of the Pope? We would first think that the begining of the sentence 'Fought like soldiers of the Pope' would make them polivalent, strong and couragous soldiers, but the ending of the sentence indicates that they were weak and afraid. Voltaire used sarcasm here.

''I was beauty and grave itself'' (page 28, top) This is an overstatement, it seems like she has a very high self esteem about how she looked years ago. Her beauty was such that she went from being a princess to a slave.

Candide: The Old Ones’ Past

Jeremy Cavanna

English 101

Chapter 11 ‘Summary’

April 04, 2007

Today I met this old woman who had a very interesting story, she told me about her past, one of the thing she talked about was how beautiful she was back then. She grew in beauty, grace and talent, in the midst of pleasures, homer and fair expectations. She told me how she inspired men with love, back then. I think that this woman isn’t lying, I think that this woman really was beautiful, and I think that it is the event that occurred in her life that changed her to be equal physically wise to other average people, because everything is for the best, and she lost her physical advantage to trade it for an advanced intellectual degree, based on the experiences she lived in her life. Later on in her life, she got captured by Russians, to be sold as a slave in Morocco; it was very hard for her as a princess to be reduced to slavery. It was a very hard period of her life she told me, but I think that it was for the best because she has acquired a lot of knowledge and experiences through her pain, and just like she is teaching me right now, she will be able to teach others. She explained to me her arrival at Morocco, and how the country was divided in different fractions that broke in a civil war. As she arrived in Morocco, a hostile fraction of black people fought with the captain and her crew, the winner of the battle would ‘earn’ the princess, the mother and their maids. She told me that she was muttered between anger, fear, horror, and blood. It was a horrible part of her life, but it is because of all these horrible events that this old lady is now wise and useful to the all the young ones that need to learn about the experiences that await them in their future life.

Idea/ Satire Techniques

The reason that Volitare made this chapter was because it brought time to introduce the old womans story. It helped create a good transition between one idea to the next. I also think he made this chapter to provide more character traits shown in Cunegonde. Saying that she was sad that the Inquistitor and Jew both died and that she was in despair about what happened to her even though Candide went through some of the same horrible moments that she did.

Satiric Techniques=
1.) Deus ex machina (maybe) “He (Candide) displayed so much smartness, speed, initiative, morale, and efficiency that he was given command of the company” (pg. 35 top). When the Spanish general just happens to be watching him he becomes the captain. This is too much of a coincidence.

Traveling to a New World

I wept out of great despair, for the Jew and Inquisitor that had provided me with diamonds and moidores were gone. Although I was in great sadness, Candide comforted me with the wise words Pangloss had once recitied to him. When my emotions lessened, we had to sell a horse since I had no more diamonds for us to get Cadiz. The journey was long and tiring, but we managed to get to Cadiz. There my brave, beloved Candide signed up to train with soliders and in return, we would be sent to a new world. With all the hard work that Candide accomplished, he was soon promoted to Captain. He then took me, and my good dame upon the ship along with the Inquisitors horses. We set off in hope of finding a new life and security. Although I couldn't help feeling that I wouldn't be able to find hope and goodness in this new world because of all that I've been through. Candide spoke of such truth and knowledge but all I could tell him was, "I love you with all my heart, but nonetheless I am still scared to the depths of my soul by all that I have seen and undergone." I felt so empty and hurt by my past. Candide knew what it felt like and yet he was still able to think good thoughs using Pangloss' theories. I wish I could face my past with such a positive outlook like that. Although my good dame liked to differ, telling me that I haven't been through half of what she has gone through. I was in shock! How could a woman like her suffer more than me? For I have been through the most terrible situations that anyone would cringe just from hearing them. Despite all this, she still didn't budge and started to tell us about her own past experiances.